Essentials of Nihilistic Philosophy

Nihilist philosophy, a ideology that explores the absence of significance, importance, and purpose in life, challenges the very foundations of human existence. Deriving from the Latin word "nihil," meaning "nothing," nihilism claims that life is without inherent meaning, and established moral and religious values are baseless. This viewpoint rose t

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The Principles of Utilitarianism

Utilitarianism, a outcome-based theory of ethics formulated by philosophers Jeremy Bentham and Mill, posits that the optimal action is the one that enhances overall happiness or satisfaction. Central to this ethical theory is the "Principle of Greatest Happiness," which asserts that deeds are justified if they promote well-being and wrong if they r

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Essentials of Stoic Philosophy

Stoic philosophy, an ancient Greek ideology created in the early third century BC by Zeno, teaches the practice of self-discipline and resilience as a way to overcome harmful emotions. The school of thought asserts that moral excellence, the highest good, is based on understanding and that the wise coexist with the divine Reason that controls natur

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Understanding Existentialism

Existentialist philosophy, a philosophy that developed in the 19th-20th century period, emphasizes personal freedom, decision-making, and personal experience. Central to this ideology is the belief that being precedes essence, implying that people create their own significance and meaning through their choices. Existentialist thinkers like Jean-Pau

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